


~~我为什么紧张? ~~

Test Anxiety is a very real stress that affects some students' ability to perform to the best of their ability on a test or exam. While most people experience some level of anxiety in a testing situation, 我们不必因此而衰弱. Learning to expect and manage test anxiety is an important skill for successful students.

作为一名学生,你可能无法避免考试. 知道了这一点, 花点时间想想考试相关压力的原因, and work to develop coping mechanisms so test anxiety doesn't impede your success.


  • 做得不好会威胁到自我形象.
  • 考试成绩差会对你未来的目标造成威胁.
  • 缺乏准备会增加压力. Some students underestimate how much time they need to prepare for a test. (Keep in mind that those students who say they "never study" are probably not telling the whole truth.)


  • 培养成功的学习技巧. Be realistic with yourself about how much time you need to study and prepare for a test.
  • 学习放松和可视化技巧.
  • 避免消极的自言自语.
  • 避免拖延. It is a rare student who succeeds on an exam by cramming the night before without other preparation.
  • 识别和使用资源.
  • 实践! Develop test-taking strategies that work well for you and work with review material in practice tests.

成功的考生 . . .


  • 合理安排你的时间. 为工作、社交、上课和放松留出时间. 然后,安排好每节课的学习时间. As a general rule, a class requires two hours of study time for each hour you're in class. For example, a 3-unit class would require 6 hours of study time per week.
  • 注意教师给出的语言和非语言线索. 他或她会通过以下方式告诉你哪些信息是最重要的:
    • 在黑板上或头顶上写笔记,
    • Repeating the same information within a lesson or over a period of time,
    • 说“这很重要”或者“你还会看到的”,
    • 用提高的声音或强调的手势,
    • 提供复习表或打印的学习指南;
    • Assigning specific textbook pages, review questions, or other references.
  • 做笔记并使用它们. Rewriting class notes shortly after the class session will help you keep them clear and organized, 并且会强化信息, 在考试中更容易记住. Indicate information the instructor paid special attention to, as you'll likely see this on a test. Some students use different colors or symbols to represent different topics or types of information in their notes. 这些线索可以帮助你把信息联系在一起,更容易回忆起来.
  • 找到并利用可用的资源. The Center for Academic Success (中科院) offers a variety of ways for students to develop smart study habits. 看看这些服务:
    • Critical Skills Workshops: Drop-in workshops that support skills in a variety of writing, 电脑使用情况, 学习技能领域.
    • 导师:让学生成为导师, they have to show that they are successful in their subject area and that they can help others develop study habits. 除了他们自己的策略, tutors are trained to identify student's learning preferences and can help them develop study habits that work for a specific course.
    • 学习小组:中国科学院的小组自习室提供了一个安静的环境, 舒适的空间,让你与其他同学见面. 共同努力找出重点, 澄清问题, or review for an upcoming exam is a powerful way to learn material in a relatively short period of time. Check out the 提示单 成功地与学习小组合作 to ensure that your study group is productive.
    • The 中科院 staff is friendly and always willing to offer suggestions and help you find a service that best suits your specific needs. 联系安·香农, 学习资源专员, for information on any of 中科院 services and other resources: ShannonAn@pazyrykcarpets.com, 895 - 2306.
    • Students who qualify for special services should contact the service provider on campus and investigate other resources specific to their program (for example, bgi的, 需求方, 台面, 资深的办公室, 等.)


  • 考试前一晚睡个好觉.
  • Stay away from stimulants (but don't make a huge change in your habits).
  • 定期吃健康的食物. Your brain needs good fuel, but do not change your eating routine just prior to a test.
  • 坐在上课时的座位上.
  • 穿舒适的衣服,带水,呼吸!
  • Do not pick up your pen or pencil until you've skimmed the entire test to get a feel for what it contains. 最后一页的惊喜是额外的压力!
  • 如果教练允许的话, 记下重要的公式, 词汇表, 或者在空白处或草稿纸上写规则. Getting this information onto paper makes it easier to concentrate on the test questions. 根据需要参考这些注释.
  • 阅读说明书. 再读一遍. 由于不注意方向而丢了许多分.
  • If a question stumps you, skip it and move on to the questions you are more sure of. Put a mark by the questions you skip so you can find them easily later on. Sometimes other questions will give you clues to the ones you thought you didn't know.
  • 如果一个问题让人困惑,请老师澄清.
  • Read each question thoughtfully, as it relates to the course and the instructor's emphasis.
  • Budget your time according to the point value of each question or section. 如果你知道10分的答案,就不要把时间浪费在1分上!
  • 尝试任何额外的学分问题. These are freebies and any information you can get down may help your overall score.
  • 如果时间允许,检查你的工作.
    • 如果你使用答题卡, 确保每个答案都填对了空格. 再次检查所有擦除是否完成.
    • 一般规则是:如果你学习过,那就跟着你的第一反应走. 这通常是最好的答案. 小心不要事后怀疑自己.
    • Guess at any items you're still not sure of at the end of the testing time, as long as you are not penalized more for incorrect answers than for blanks.

Know the different types of items that may be on the test and how to best approach them:

  •  完成或填空
    • 确保你的回答符合句子的语法.
    • 如果你不知道确切的答案,那就尽力猜测吧.
  •  文章
    • To study for essay exams, use mnemonics to memorize key points about your topic.
    • Spend the first few minutes of the test brainstorming and creating an outline for your response.
    • Save yourself 5 minutes at the end of the test time to read your essay and make minor corrections.
  •  匹配
    • 先完成简单的项目.
    • 当你完成这些项目时,把它们从清单上划掉, eliminating some choices (unless the instructions say an item may be used more than once).
    • 把你不认识的人留到最后.
  •  多项选择
    • 阅读所有的选项,选出最好的.
    • 如果所有选项似乎都是正确的,选择最完整的.
    • 如果你不确定哪个选择是最好的, 排除那些似乎是错误的, 然后在剩下的选项中进行选择. You can double your chance of getting a right answer by using this tactic!
  •  真或假
    • 如果项目的任何部分是假的,那么它就是一个虚假的陈述.
    • 注意诸如“所有”、“只有”、“从不”和“总是”这样的词.这些话往往是错误的.


  • 看一下否定vs的例子. 下面是积极的陈述. Keeping a positive attitude during a testing situation can make a huge difference in your stress level and success. 
消极的自我对话 积极的自我暗示
“我永远也写不完." “只要一步一步来."
“如果我错过了这一点,我就真的搞砸了." "Some tension is inevitable; no need to worry about it."
“我为什么这么紧张? 我讨厌这种感觉. 我知道我要失败了." “我学习了,我有信心我会做到最好."
“其他人都比我做得好." “我很好. 我只关心我自己." 
“如果我这次考试不及格,我的生活就完蛋了." “即使我没有做得像我希望的那样好,也不是世界末日."
“我得赶紧了. 其他人都比我先完成." “我要花足够的时间. If I am the last one finished, that means I will do better than everyone else."
“哦,不! 我研究了这个,但是我的大脑一片空白!" 我将跳过这个问题,接着讲一些更简单的问题. 我待会再讲."
“我知道我错过了最后一个答案. 我应该得到它的!" “即使我错过了几个问题,这也不会困扰我. 我仍然可以取得好成绩."


像任何技能一样,应试需要练习. 如果你担心考试焦虑会影响你在学校的成绩, make your own quizzes as part of your study strategy and take them with a time limit. Some instructors will even give you sample problems or old tests to practice with. 有一个朋友, 室友, or tutor set you up in a practice test setting and try the strategies introduced above. 制定一个每次考试都要遵循的计划, 你可以克服考试焦虑,你所有的努力都会得到回报!


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本文改编自珍妮丝·沃森(Janice Watson)所写的材料, 东北资优教育中心, 华盛顿, 唐娜·伦霍夫, E世博ESBALL学习中心, 奥罗维尔, 加州.







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